It is only with the heart that we see rightly

Coaching for Individuals

Self-Trust Coaching

Emotions Coaching

Wellness Coaching

Self-Trust Coaching

You Got This

Starting in childhood, our experiences of trusting ourselves will naturally have mixed results – we’re learning how to do life, after all! When it doesn’t work well, we can interpret that to me that trusting ourselves is risky, and so we create new patterns to protect ourselves from the hard thing we experienced.

These behaviour patterns may vary for different people, but the underlying purpose – to protect us from a risk – is the same. These patterns in adults can look like:

  • Perfectionism, and the constant anxiety of not doing or being enough
  • Procrastination, so that we never get to that thing that frankly freaks us out a little
  • People pleasing, so that others like us, but we’re not so sure we like ourselves
  • Waffling on decisions and second guessing ourselves
  • Holding back things you want to say or ways you want to express yourself for fear of being judged
This is where self-trust coaching may offer you a way to soften the tight grip of these behaviours and how they may now be what is holding you back. As you explore revising and reworking your self-trust muscle, you will start to experience more fulfillment, purpose and joy.

I work with highly self-aware people, who are often experienced consumers of self-help and/or coaching services, and but haven’t yet found a more lasting solution for making a change that matters to them.

I bring to our conversation a strong process and a large toolkit for unpacking your particular self-beliefs story. I am a deep listener, with a strong reputation for bringing clarity, safety, and calm to whatever you may be experiencing right now. My work is based in a solid understanding of adult development and trauma, and supported by training in understanding methods for working with our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts and the ephemeral realm of spirit.

I won’t know the answer to whatever dilemma you’re in, but I believe that you will. Perhaps one of these two kinds of coaching sessions will apply to you.

Momentum Coaching Session

This is for you if you have a troubling dilemma or situation, and you’d really value an opportunity to find a possible route out of the stuck place you’re in with it.

How it Works:

  • Send me an e-mail, and we’ll book a mutually convenient time
  • The first meeting is 90 minutes
  • A second follow-up meeting (30 minutes) will be scheduled to allow you to assess progress being made in addressing the situation and to fine tune the approach
  • A recording of the meeting will be available to you if you choose

Your Time Commitment: 2 hours

Focus Coaching

If you’d like to do a deeper dive so that you are supported in making real and lasting change, then a series of coaching meetings may be right for you. The process we’ll be working through supports not only seeing yourself differently, but allows for some time for you to experiment in operating from a basis of more self-belief.

I work with an understanding of adult development and the processes which support true behavioural change. I’m trauma informed in my work, and bring years of experience in coaching people to make the changes that matter most to them.

How it Works:

  • Send an email with the subject line, Free Consultation Self Trust, and we’ll book a time together.
  • If you decide you’d like to work with me after your free consultation, we will schedule our first 2 to 3 meetings, and get started
  • A recording or our conversations can be made available to you if you choose (some people find it helpful to have, because it gives them a chance to also hear themselves, and deepen their appreciation and understanding of where their growth edge is.

Your Time Commitment: 6 hours

I have experienced so many transformations from your coaching that there are truly too many to count. Your presence is clear, kind, wise and you exude joy in your work. Through our work together I’ve learned to embrace my own power, stop taking crap from others, and courageously share my unique gifts with the world.
Marlo Gillis


I have experienced the easiest and most seamless success with an issue I’ve struggled with for over 20 years after one coaching session with you. As a coach, I trust you and find your energy to be incredibly calm, gentle and safe. You can be playful and at the same time, very powerful in getting to the heart and altering my perspective.
Meagan Forrest

Life Coach

Emotions Coaching 

One of the most powerful keys to self-understanding (and understanding others) that is available to us is the ability to “read” our emotions as messengers . Emotions tell us what is true for us and what needs our attention.

The good news is you don’t need to make a massive investment in hours of therapy or coaching to learn to work with your emotions.   I can offer you a coaching  consultation (in one or more sessions) on how to become literate in the language and flows of your emotions, so that you begin to hear what they’re saying.  

This is the intent behind a trademarked process called the Dynamic Emotional Integration Consultation (DEI). The self-assessment is simple to complete, and doesn’t take much time. Once you’ve shared it with me, we have a conversation designed to make sense of your experience with your emotions right now, with an intent of deepening your appreciation for the ways in which your emotions are working to get your attention.

Dynamic Emotional Integration® (also known as DEI) is a leading-edge approach to emotions and empathy that helps you understand and work brilliantly with every emotion you have. Anger, sadness, fear, grief, shame, even hatred … all seventeen of your emotions are essential for your health and well-being.

As you learn how to work with your emotions, your life and your relationships can improve significantly.

I have trained extensively with Karla McLaren (the author and founder of this consultative process), over the last six years, and I continue to deepen my own understanding of the extraordinary wisdom of our emotions.

What you will get:

  • A link to the DEI Emotions Questionnaire
  • A one-on-one confidential conversation to develop insight into your current emotional climate
  • A personalized brief summary on the key points in the conversation, and some suggestions for some practices or things you can do to support working with your emotions
  • A handout that summarizes all 17 emotions, including their key function, gifts, purposes and potential issue that you may experience if an emotion is being blocked or not heard in some way
  • An opportunity to book a follow-up session if you’d like to work with a specific emotion, like anger or grief.  
One of your gifts is bringing calm to a situation that can feel very urgent. Your way of working is very kind and trustworthy.

Laurie Foley, PhD

Business Consultant

Marion is the quintessential safe, healing space. I bow deeply to her wisdom, guidance and deep compassion. Not to ignore her much needed and well-timed wit in a delicate situation and conversation.

Mary Ann Johnstone

Writer, Grammy-award winning film maker

Wellness Coaching 

What you will get:

  • A tool to explore underlying beliefs that are holding you back
  • Guidance in developing an alternate belief/viewpoint
  • New ideas for developing some practices that support your wellness or peaceful mindset
  • Unconditional support and listening

I want to help others learn this important truth – you can be experience wellness even while being sickEven if you’ve got cancer.

Wellness is a mindset, a way of being that we can experience even in the midst of the treatment of a disease.  The truth is, an illness can be a catalyst towards healing parts of the self and parts of our lives.  In doing so, we establish a relationship to the disease that can be generative, strengthening and deepening of our peace.  

I know this because I’ve lived it.  In 2011, I was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of ovarian cancer.  I went through treatment and then discharge from treatment (believe me, that was the harder part of the journey).  I learned many things from this experience.  Possibly the most important was that the relationship one forms to one’s disease (in my case, cancer) is the most important health decision we make.  

I’m a cancer survivor who also has over 25 years of study in how we can change and work with our fundamental responses so that we can know more joy, more wellbeing, more peace.  I can assist you to work with the emotions, the thoughts, and the beliefs you have about your illness.   

The hope I bring to this work is that you will feel more ready, more at peace, more determined when you are determining your care decisions.  I can’t assist or guide you in any of the decisions to do with your care.  But you know this already.  They are uniquely yours to make.

That said, there isn’t one recipe, one solution, a “believe this” approach to this work.  I will listen deeply for the guiding presence of your human spirit, and what your inner wisdom wants you to know.  Together, you can grow a wellness mindset to accompany you on the journey with your disease. 

And who knows where from there? 

I would love to meet you.   



Do you think this might be something that you’d like to learn more about?

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you might have or to book some time.